New Age of Contracts

“Manny Ramirez has arrived in Japan for spring training with the independent league Kochi Island Fighting Dogs, and the initial details of the 44-year-old’s interest in continuing his playing career are … fascinating. At a press conference at which his No. 99 jersey (identifying him simply as “Manny”), a translated summary of the proceedings on the website reveals that: 1) Ramirez will have use of a Mercedes and driver; 2) Practices are optional for him; 3) He’ll get a hotel suite on the road; and 4) He will receive unlimited sushi for the entire season.”                                                                                                                                                                          – Alex Spier, Boston Globe

Just Manny being Manny again. The guy loves the game of baseball, and if you are going to play at the age of 44, get a couple added benefits in your contract. Driving in Japan is ridiculous (don’t know for sure but there are a trillion people in Japan so probably), so to get your own personal Mercedes driver is BRILLIANT. Living luxuriously on the road is also an amazing move. Then obviously having unlimited sushi for the season is a great move. Not many people know this but sushi in Japan is a huge deal. They have some of the freshest sushi in the world so to put that in the contract is genius.

However, having practice as optional is the best clause in this contract. The man is 44 and has had a phenomenal career as a baseball player. Practicing would be the most useless thing for Manny to do.

Ultimately, this should put ideas in other baseball players, so here are a couple ideas for all those players reading out there.

Bryce Harper: No one is allowed to drink coffee or alcohol around him #RespectTheMormon

Jon Lester: No pitcher is allowed to practice throwing to first

Bartolo Colon: Buffet at every ballpark and no practice (These are probably already in his current contract)

Alex Rodriguez: Own locker room surrounded by mirrors

Chase Utley: No cats allowed in clubhouse (big time dog guy)

Adrian Beltre: Elvis Andrus plays with him. Can’t break up the bromance

Jung Ho Kang: Personal driver. Absolute Necessity

Tim Lincecum: Marijuana, Marijuana, and more Marijuana (allegedly)

Brian Wilson: Own TV Show

Got anymore? Let me hear them.

Twitter: @slapstickball

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