Daily Archives: March 21, 2017

Positive Experience Deserved- Bonds back in San Francisco

The people of San Francisco must be juiced that Barry is back in the bay.The Giants were looking to stack their front office, and Bonds is one of those stackers. Bonds will look to inject some of the success that he had with the Marlins, to the Giants. Last season, the Giants made it to […]

Countries Need the WBC

What does Puerto Rico have? What does the Dominican Republic have? What does Venezuela have? I’ll give you the answer, baseball. That’s all. They export baseball players. These countries are similar to that kid in high school who dedicated his life to perfecting one sport and were crazy unathletic. They had that one sport, and […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game” – Walt Whitman