Monthly Archives: April 2017

Baseball Needs More Curses.

One of the beautiful things about sports, baseball in particular, are the blind superstitions. From not stepping on the chalk lines, to wearing the same hat every start, to the countless unwritten rules and pregame rituals theses superstitions bring an extra level of fun to the game and passion to a fan base. And, of […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what happens” – Tommy Lasorda

Just a Bit Outside – Episode 4

Baseball Quote of the Day

“No matter what I talk about, I always get back to baseball” – Connie Mack

Baseball Quote of the Day

“If I didn’t make it in baseball, I won’t have made it workin’. I didn’t like to work” – Yogi Berra

MLB Players as Pokemon

Earlier I wrote about how Addison Russell is trying to get MLB players to sign his collection of Pokemon cards. He talked with ESPN and told them that he doesn’t just have any player sign any card, he tries to have some connection between the card and the player. Addison, since you are reading this, […]

“Hey Bro, Sign My Pokemon Cards?” – Addison Russell

Cubs shortstop, Addison Russell, has made it his mission to get autographs from his favorite players in the MLB. A little odd but understandable, right? Well what if I told you he wanted their John Hancock on his collection of Pokemon cards? That is what Russell is doing. Maybe a little weird now? Corey Seager […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“I ain’t ever had a job, I just always played baseball” – Satchel Paige

Retaliation, Embedded in the Game

The weather is heating up in the MLB and so are the tempers. This past weekend, things got heated between two matchups in the MLB. Boston Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles Manny Machado slid into 2nd base on Friday night and spiked Dustin Pedroia in the knee. There didn’t seem to be malintention, and Machado […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings” – Earl Wilson