Rich Hill Should Be Kicked Out of the League


Rich Hill, starting pitcher of Los Angeles Dodgers, has been placed on the 10-Day Disabled List because of a blister on his throwing hand. This is a ridiculous reason to go on the DL. Oh, and by the way, this is the SECOND time he has done this. Unacceptable. Force this guy to throw. He is getting paid millions of dollars to throw a ball, but can’t because of a little blister on his finger?

This is a horrible look for the sport. Try to defend the toughness of a baseball player when this happens. You can’t. So because of the impact that this projects on the sport, the MLB should kick Rich Hill out of the league. No time for that weak stuff.

Football players play with concussions. Allegedly. Hockey players will play with broken bones or in a wheelchair if they could. Baseball is fighting against basketball on the toughness meter. This might drop them in the ranks. Hey, at least baseball will always be above those foot fairies on the soccer pitch.

One comment

  1. Pitching is all about feel. It is unfortunate that something so trivial sidelines baseball pitchers, but it is a reality. Spin is generated by pressure from the fingers. So if there are blisters, that causes a can in pressure, which means less spin, less movement and more contact.

    Have you ever tried to throw a baseball at higher velocities with a blister? Football players are out for turf toe. There are those silly nagging injuries in every sport.

    Baseball is just a game of inches.


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