(Light) Black Cat Crosses Path of Marlins

Debates are great. Hilary or Donald? Blue or gold dress? Is a hotdog a sandwich? Now let’s debate whether this cat will jinx the Marlins or not.

Everyone has heard of the superstition that you’ll receive bad luck if a black cat crosses your path. Well we can probably all agree that this cat is grey. At least I hope so. Grey is right between white and black, meaning this cat is partially black. Let’s not make this into a race issue, but this cat is the Derek Jeter of the cat world. Does this count as a black cat crossing the path of the Marlins? OR should it be considered a partial jinx? OR is it no jinx at all?

I tried to ask a Wiccan chat forum if this would be considered a curse under their practices but was denied. Will keep everyone posted as to what they think if I can break through. Until then, let’s see how the Marlins do and if this affects their performance.

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