Daily Archives: April 14, 2017

Ken Griffey Jr Gets Statue in Seattle

The Kid got what he deserved. On Thursday, the Mariners unveiled a statue of Ken Griffey Jr. outside of Safeco Field. The 7-foot statue depicts Griffey (probably) mashing a home run, something he did 630 times in his career. Bringing nostalgia to anyone who got to see him play. Then you begin to think about […]

Advice for Jose Reyes, Don’t Live 2 Lives, 1 is Hard Enough

Daily News has reported that the ex-mistress of New York Mets third baseman, Jose Reyes, led a double life for years. It looks like Jose Reyes likes to pull off a double-play off the field as well. Reyes’ ex-girlfriend Christina Sanchez says the struggling third baseman’s on-the-field problems are due to a guilty conscience over […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“The crack of the bat, the sound of baseballs thumping into gloves, the infield chatter are like birdsong to the baseball starved” – W.P. Kinsella