MLB Team in Las Vegas? Here are Some Ideas

Commissioner, Rob “Bucky Splits” Manfred, talked about expansion in the MLB on Thursday. Las Vegas looks like a possible destination. “If we were looking at relocation,” Manfred said, “Las Vegas would be on the list.”

Here a few ideas for a team:

The Las Vegas Bryce Harpers

Las Vegas Bryce Harpers

Bryce Harper is most famous for growing up in Las Vegas. Put a franchise there and instead of that young franchise having to dish out almost a half a billion dollars to get Bryce Harper in free-agency, name the team after him for a discounted rate on his salary. Seems fair.

The Las Vegas Street Walkers

Street Walkers

Las Vegas is known for their light-filled boulevards. With every casino, restaurant and club within walking distance, and with the weather usually so nice in the area, a lot of people choose to walk the streets. Every fan will leave satisfied when they attend a Las Vegas Street Walkers game.

The Las Vegas Degenerate Gamblers

Degenerate Gamblers

This name rolls right off the tongue. It also creates a connection with a ton of people in the area. This sense of kindred with the team will bring in a bunch of fans. Good news, you can bet on the games right at the stadium!

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