Daily Archives: May 8, 2017

All Time Freakout on the Pitch. Let’s Watch Some Meltdowns on the Diamond.

Over the weekend Nelson Vivas, the manager of Estudiantes (a soccer team in Argentina), had an all time breakdown where he ripped his button-down shirt off right off his body.   Baseball has had its fair share of meltdowns, so let’s revisit them. Here is an all time from Minor League manager Phil Wellman. Big […]

Should This Guy Go to Jail?

Yes. The answer is yes.

Last Night’s Marathon is Reason to Change Extra-Inning Rules

Last nights game between the Yankees and the Cubs went 18 innings and lasted over six hours. Does any fan enjoy that? If you do, reconsider what you love about the game because your only supporters are 70 year-old men who are too tied up to the old days. Six hours is a looooong time. […]

Let’s Address the Dildo in the Room

On Friday, the New York Mets tweeted out a photo of TJ Rivera with a dildo in the background, placed in the locker of Kevin Plawecki. This wasn’t just any dildo, it resembled the member of a large African-American. Plawecki denied that the toy was his. I smart move on his part. The Mets captioned the […]

Baseball Quote of the Day

“Your job as a baseball player is to come to the park ready to play every day, and the manager, it’s his job to make those decisions about who plays” – Cal Ripken Jr.