Welcome to Slapstick After Dark

If you’re surfing for porn, this may not be the site for you.  Or maybe it is?  Who knows.  Keep reading and find out…

So, here’s the story.

I’m Mark.  I’m a bartender that works almost exclusively at night in a big city near you.  With these late nights come a 20 minute ride home via public transportation or Uber.   During these rides, there’s plenty of time to contemplate the meaning of life, get caught up on the sports stories of the day, or just trying not to pop a boner if there’s a hot chick on the train.  For the most part, I do a lot of the last middle one.  So, Skip invited me to post my musings here on Slapstick.   On that note, welcome to Slapstick After Dark (a.k.a. SAD).

I’ll be posting my thoughts on the sports stories the day here.  Tune in most nights for a few profound insights and maybe even some titties*.

*I’ve been told I have to stay away from posting anything including midgets, animals, or underage children, so all you sickos are gonna have to get your fix somewhere else.

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