Author Archives: PokeyReese

Thank You, Mom

Before you begin reading this please go tell your Mother, your Grand-mother, the Mother of your children, your best friend’s Mom, and physically the closest other Mother to you that you love them, and are grateful for everything they do. They all deserve to hear that every day, so make sure it counts today.   […]

Are the Rockies Actually Good?

So, the Rockies MURDERED the Cubs today, Knocking Jake Arrieta around like he was Clay Bucholz. The Rockies are currently 21-12 and 2.5 games up on the “powerhouse” Dodgers. Now I know it’s still early, so I’m not making any real bold predictions. Yet, I think it’s fair to start asking, “Are the Rockies actually […]

Has Boston vs. Baltimore gone too far? NOPE

This whole Red Sox vs. Orioles thing has really blown up, hasn’t it? Since April 21st these teams have dominated ESPN’s baseball coverage, and never for the quality of the games played; between dirty slides, countless retaliation pitches, and an unfortunate display of racism a lot of negative attention has been drawn to the teams […]

How to Dominate 90% of Fantasy Baseball Leagues.

We all have fantasied about being Theo Epstien at one time or another. Unfortunately, if you are reading this article, there is little to no chance (emphasis on the no chance) you will ever run a professional sports team. So, for the rest of us we have Fantasy Sports, a game that is 75% luck […]

Ranking Minor League Team Names

For starters, if your minor-league team and major league team have the same name you are wasting a prime opportunity to sell additional merchandise, and you are lame. We’ll go through a few leagues here and make sure we cover all the best. For most, there is no need for explanation, for the rest I […]

Baseball Needs More Curses.

One of the beautiful things about sports, baseball in particular, are the blind superstitions. From not stepping on the chalk lines, to wearing the same hat every start, to the countless unwritten rules and pregame rituals theses superstitions bring an extra level of fun to the game and passion to a fan base. And, of […]